Saturday, January 12, 2013

Goodnight Moon-Themed Shower

When Brittany, a lovely friend from my Marrieds Group at church, offered to host a brunch shower to welcome Risotto, I knew I was in good hands. Little did I know just how good! She went with a Goodnight Moon theme, and from invitations to food to decor, she outdid herself. Many thanks to her and her band of angels - Heidi, Devon, and Melissa in particular. 

From Italian-themed brunch dishes (including Lemon Artichoke Risotto) to a Goodnight Moon board game for decor (who knew?!), plus arts-and-crafty decorative goodness, it was a lovely afternoon spent with some of my favorite ladies, many of whom could share their mama wisdom with this mama-in-training.

Sangria I can drink? Yes please!

Guests completed a mad lib-style story "& baby makes three" to give Justin and I baby advice. The overview:

My name is name and I've known Justin and Laura for 7, 17, 44, 3, 1,231, 17. 19 47 years. Laura, remember to enjoy pizza, cars, foxes, cats, zippers, games, dogs, the President and you must buy a tulip, parachute dog, microwave, hangnail, photograph, sidewalk, shopping mall before baby risotto comes! Justin, Laura really needs your rocket ship, tangerine, baby, flounder, daisy, car, bus, stockings right now. You are both going to be such red, fuzzy, beautiful, pretty, slimy, handsome, hungry, sparkly parents. When you first bring baby risotto home you will love jumping, to yawn, running, to scoot, giggling, laughing, dancing, crawling and somersaulting, swallowing, jumping, eating, to tinkle, wailing, skipping, swinging. Just remember to meditate, pirouette, crying, sing, laugh, charge, Valsava maneuver, twirl during the first few months and enjoy being a family of three!

My prediction: Baby Risotto will be born on July 4, 2/28/13, January 15, January 18th 2017, Aug. 2, 1/18, 7/5/08, May 30, 1945 . He will weigh 327,252 ounces, 5 pounds, 27 pounds, 45 pounds, 521 pounds, 13 pounds, 10 pounds, 31 pounds and have prickly, splendid, funny, silly, spiky, fluffy, shiny, enthusiastic hair and magenta, teal, blue, red, mauve, magenta, purple  eyes. 


Royal frosting cow jumping over the moon... delicious!

Heidi and I didn't mean to coordinate, but it worked out well so we could bookend Brittany. :)

Our splendid Flood married ladies group.

Sophie le Girafe is now a member of the family

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